Investment managers considering a complex re engineering or implementation project look to Barrington for senior project oversight to help deliver key needs in a timely manner.

An experienced project manager will focus on your needs…

We provide senior your project resources to help your firm:

  • Evaluate key project deliverables; through document review and structured discussions with key stakeholders, ensure there is a clear understanding of the key requirements/ drivers of the project and all constraints, budget/ resources/ time etc.
  • Agree project scope and key deliverables; work with the client and any vendor(s) as applicable, to prioritize needs and ensure they fit the constraints.
  • Develop and validate the overall project plan; schedule the project to balance priorities for deliverables, work estimates, resource availability and logical flow of the development/ work required.
  • Project administration; often provided by the client or vendor, Barrington can take this on as required. Collect status updates and issues, update the project plan document, arrange status meetings and provide status reports and monitor follow up items.
  • Oversee the design of solutions; ensure they meet the client needs and agree the plans for development/ delivery.
  • Monitor and report progress; Keep on top of the status of all the work being undertaken, and work with the client and vendor(s) SMEs to resolve issues. Provide the client with regular updates of the project progress and issues.

… and deliver timely results.

  • Clients receive timely perspectives into the project to enable them to make informed and timely decisions.
  • Enables key resources to focus on their ‘day jobs’.
  • Maintains control and focus on the key needs of the client.

To learn more please contact:
Andrew Hunter at 617.594.7540
Jeffrey Christian at 603.365.9296